Klinik und Poliklinik
für Innere Medizin II
Klinik und Poliklinik für Innere Medizin II
Direktor: Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Roland. M. Schmid

Principal Investigator PD Dr. Ehmer

Molecular mechanisms of tumor initiation, development, and metastasis in hepatic carcinogenesis.


Laboratory members

  • PD Dr. med. Ursula Ehmer (PI)
  • Dr. med. univ. Ulrike Bauer
  • Birgit Kohnke-Ertel (biotechnology)
  • Sophia Maria Bernatik  (cand. med.)
  • Fabian Delugré (cand. med.)
  • Tanja Derowski (cand. med.)
  • Franziska Ihli (cand. med.)


Former members

  • Christian Lechler
  • Saumya Manmadhan
  • Thomas Rösner
  • Carin Rupp
  • Julia Schwenke
  • Pooya Shokoohi

Research background

Molecular mechanisms in hepatic cell cycle regulation

Signaling pathways in cell cycle regulation are of high importance in tissue regeneration and need to be tightly controlled. Dysregulated cell cycle function is not only associated with impaired regeneration but can also contribute to carcinogenesis. In our group we employ a variety of different in vitro and in vivo systems to characterize the role and interaction of tumor suppressor mechanisms that are involved in the control of cell proliferation, such as the Retinoblastoma and Hippo signaling pathways. Using the liver as a model organ, we investigate the pathophysiology of hepatic cell divisions in regeneration and carcinogenesis to develop novel strategies for the treatment of acute and chronic liver failure as well as hepatocellular carcinoma.


Signaling pathways in carcinogenesis in a mouse model of liver cancer

Primary liver cancer is characterized by high mortality rates and limited therapeutic options, especially in the advanced stages of the disease, contribute to its bad prognosis. In our group we analyze molecular mechanisms in tumor initiation and metastasis in genetically engineered mouse models of primary liver cancer. To improve our understanding of the biology of hepatic cancers, we combine microarray based gene expression analysis with advanced techniques in molecular biology. Our goal is the characterization of relevant signaling pathways in tumor development, progression, and metastasis to identify novel therapeutic targets in liver cancer.

Publications ⎮ Medical theses ⎮ PhD



Medical theses/PhD

If you are interested in a medical thesis please send an email.


Head: PD Dr. med. Ursula Ehmer, PhD
Klinik und Poliklinik für Innere Medizin II
Klinikum rechts der Isar der TUM
Ismaninger Str. 22
81675 Munich, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 41 40 - 49 82
Fax: +49 (0) 89 41 40 - 49 10

Email: ursula.ehmer@mri.tum.de